Back Friskis & Svettis

The founder
The first Friskis & Svettis association was started in
Stockholm in 1978. The founder, Johan Holmsäter,
was a young physical training master who received his
education in Switzerland. While there he saw how the
combination of
gymnastics and
music attracted
a big part of
the university
students. Men
and women
went into the
sport together
in big groups.
With his experi-
ence as a gym-
nastic teacher,
Johan wanted
to create a new
form of gym-
nastics. He be-
lieved this sho-
uld be based on
simple, natural
Johan Holmsäter in 1978
movements, done with timely and inspiring music.

A fresh breeze through old traditions
Other associations already had a wide range of aerobic
training to offer, but Friskis & Svettis gave a new
aspect to this tradition. The form of aerobic training this
association offered had never been seen before. At
Friskis & Svettis people could jympa (= Friskis & Svettis
way to exercise). The expression jympa was decided by
The National Council of Friskis & Svettis. This word is
now even stated in the Swedish Academy's List of words.

Fast growth
The first year, Friskis & Svettis had 1.500 members. Five
years later there were 28 associations with a total of
28.000 members. In time for the 10th anniversary, the
number of associations had increased to 65 and the number
of members to 75.000. When Friskis & Svettis celebrated
15 year in 1993 the total number of members were 130.000
in the 97 associations. There were seven associations out-
side of Sweden. Four located in Norway and the other three
were located in Amsterdam, Brussels and Paris. These asso-
ciations still exists. Between 1990 and 1993 the number of
members grew by 15% per year. Today there is more than
188.400 members spread over the 115 associations inside
and outside of Sweden.

Fast growth

English text: Mary Beth Krebsbach.
Webmaster: Gabriel Dorch