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Leader education

The training of Friskis & Svettis is put together in co-
operation with physiotherapists, physiologists and
gymnastic teachers. Regardless of
leader's background, the leader must
follow a special education program.
This program consists of two cour-
ses. The training program is develo-
ped by Friskis & Svettis and foll-
ows the basic structure of Friskis &
Svettis. During these courses the
trainees must take written tests in
anatomy, physiology and functional
Friskis & Svettis leader
anatomy. This training is complete when the new instru-
ctor has passed a practical examination which consists of
putting together and performing their own program.

Because the quality of a leaders program is so impor-
tant, Friskis & Svettis have continues training and lea-
ders programs are checked regular. As a part of the
quality check, continues follow-up courses are held. A
Quality Assessor on a regular basis visits every certified
instructor. This Quality Assessor has been specially train-
ed by Friskis & Svettis and generally has years of experi-
Friskis & Svettis Quality Assessor
The Quality Assessor note down
the choice of movements, pace
of the music and the composition
of the movements.
ence as a leader with
Friskis & Svettis. The
Quality Assessor checks
that the leader continues
to follow the basic struc-
ture set by Friskis &
Svettis. The instructors
are given feedback,
which helps them deve-
lop their programs in a
constructive and positive


English text: Mary Beth Krebsbach.
Webmaster: Gabriel Dorch