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Friskis & Svettis organization

Friskis & Svettis is a non-profit-making association,
aiming to spread the Friskis & Svettis idea about pleasure-
filled training and to try to get as many as possible to in-
crease their well-being through activity and training. Non-
profit means that no one is making money on Friskis &
Svettis, but all profits go back into the organization, to the
benefit of the members.
This is what Friskis & Svettis organization looks like:

Organization: Friskis & Svettis
consists of more than 110 sport
associations, located mainly in
Sweden. But also in Norway,
Finland, Amsterdam, Brussels
and Paris.

Association: Every Friskis &
Svettis association is self-gover-
ned and has its own regulations
and its own committee, elected
by the members.

Member: As a member you
have the chance to vote and in-
fluence what's happening in
your association. You will be-
come a member automatically
when you get your sport-card.

Riksrådet: All associations are
gathered in a national organiza-
tion called Riksrådet (=The
National Council).
It consists of
a secretariat located in Stock-
holm, which gives service to the
different associations, co-ordi-
nates marketing and administrat-
es instructor education.

Riksstämman: This is the highest decision-making institution
of Friskis & Svettis. The Riksstämman (=The National Annual
General Meeting) takes place every autumn. Then delegates
from all the different associations get together and decide
what will happen during the following year within Friskis &
Svettis, make guidelines and discuss the future, development etc.

Committee: During the Riksstämman the committee of the
Riksrådet is elected by the delegates from the associations.
This group consists of ten persons and they make sure that the
different decisions made during the Riksstämman are executed.
They also run the basic activity between these meetings.

Friskis & Svettis is a non-profit association made for its
sporting members. You influence and effect how Friskis &
Svettis should be.


English text: Mary Beth Krebsbach.
Webmaster: Gabriel Dorch